Email integration is currently in an alpha state. Frequently expect breaking changes, and is not intended for production use.

Generating an Email address

Each Inferable cluster can have one email unqiue address associated ([email protected]) with it. You can generate this address by visiting the “Integrations” page and selecting “Email”.

When configuring an email address you can choose to attach it to an Agent or the cluster as a whole.


When configuring an email address, you have the ability to enable DKIM and SPF validation. When enabled, any emails received will be validated to ensure they have valid DKIM and SPF headers.


Triggering Runs

Once an address has been generated, you can trigger Runs by messaging the address.

Responses will be sent back to the email thread, you can continue the conversation by replying in the thread (Replying outside the thread will trigger a separate Run).

Approval Requests

If the run requires human approval, Inferable will send an email to the thread providing a link to the run.

Authenticating Users

When interfacing with Inferable via email, the sender’s email address will be mapped to the user account within Inferable. Emails from address which do not have an Inferable account with access to the cluster will be denied.

Because the sender’s email address is used to authenticate the user, we strongly recommend enabling DKIM and SPF validation.

Auth Context

All functions in a Run initiated by the Email integration will have access to an authContext object containing the user’s email address in the following structure:

  "email": {
    "email": "[email protected]"


This can be used to authorize user actions.{
  name: "deleteUser",
  description: "Permanently deletes a user account",
  schema: {
    input: z.object({
      userId: z.string(),
  func: async (input, context) => {
    if ( !=== "[email protected]") {
      throw new Error("Unauthorized");

    return db.customers.delete({
      userId: input.userId,